Forgotten Longhorns Rescued from Infamous Conwoman’s Ranch

When notorious fraudster Janet Mello was sentenced to prison in July 2024, her neighbor moved quickly to rescue a forgotten trio of longhorns on one of Mello’s multiple seized properties. Within a matter of days, Trissa Carter coordinated with the IRS and U.S. Attorney’s Office to find a new home for the steers, who had endured years of neglect and fell under her informal care in February.

“I could see them nearly every day because my long fence borders the property,” Carter says. “Due to their terrible condition and obvious abandonment for years, I began feeding and caring for them.”

A fourth Longhorn, Tonya Evans, BS ’99, of Kenedy, Texas, stepped up and provided a new home for the longhorns, whom Carter affectionally named Bert, Ernie, and Little Red.

“I am very grateful to Tonya and her team, who accepted the physical, legal, and time-consuming challenge that it took to rescue these animals,” Carter says. “I am filled with joy knowing these three incredible animals have a great home and new buddies to talk to.”


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