Cedar Park Car Wash Features Replica Of The UT Tower
If the last Tower you saw looked a little farther north than you’re used to, perhaps you’ve been cruising the Austin suburb of Cedar Park.
That’s where the Tower Express Car Wash is being built, complete with a replica of UT’s icon. It may not be 307 feet tall, like the original, but it’s still eye-catching.
Coming on the heels of H2Orange, the bottled water produced in a Tower-shaped bottle, this is the latest product to capitalize on this symbol of The University of Texas. (Easier that, after all, than to secure rights to the highly protected Longhorn symbol.)
These two latest Tower products do position themselves differently: proceeds from H20range help fund UT scholarships, while the Tower Express Car Wash notes on its website that it is not affiliated with UT.
So what do you think? Does using the Tower cheapen a monument to UT’s stature, or does it increase your pride to see one off campus?
Photo courtesy of Larry Treuter