Finding the Next President

BY Kay Bailey Hutchison in Letters The Big Picture Nov | Dec 2014 on October 30, 2014


In June 2015, UT-Austin president Bill Powers will step down after nine years of leading the institution we care so much about. Already, the search for his replacement has begun, and according to the Regents’ Rules the president of the Texas Exes is part of the search committee. I am honored to serve as your representative, and I want to make sure that I know and can convey the hopes, wishes, and concerns of Texas Exes everywhere as we select the next leader for our alma mater.

Choosing a president is a monumental decision that will affect the trajectory of our university. President Powers has put The University of Texas at Austin on the right course, and I believe it is incumbent on my fellow search committee members and UT regents to find someone who will keep us going in that direction.

As I evaluate candidates, I’ll be looking for someone with a compelling vision. He or she must understand the roles of teaching and research that form the twin pillars of a Tier One university. Finally, I will be keen to find someone who understands and embraces the part that public research universities play in keeping our state and nation economically vibrant and strong.

Texas Exes, near and far, have supported President Powers and spoken up for the vision of our university enshrined in the Texas Constitution. Each of us has a stake in this decision—the value of our degrees is forever tied to the efficacy, reputation, and performance of UT-Austin. That’s why I am inviting alumni to send me suggestions for what you think the search committee’s priorities should be. If you have specific people in mind, I want to know who they are. If you think the committee should give more weight to one trait over another, let me know. We have set up a special email address for you to send in your suggestions:

The University of Texas has long been blessed with excellent leaders. I invite you to help me keep that tradition strong so that together we can continue to protect and enhance it for future generations.


Kay Bailey Huchison,
President, Texas Exes

— Who’s Who on the Presidential Search Committee —

Pedro Reyes, executive vice chancellor for academic affairs, UT System

Larry Faulkner, president emeritus of UT-Austin

Regents Gene PowellSteven Hicks, and Brenda Pejovich

Diana S. Natalicio, president of UT-El Paso

Daniel K. Podolsky, president of UT Southwestern Medical Center

Randy L. Diehl, dean of the College of Liberal Arts

Martha F. Hilley, professor of music

David M. Hillis, professor of integrative biology

Ernest D. (David) Sosa, professor of philosophy

Erika Frahm, staff council immediate past chair and senior program coordinator in Human Resources

Geetika Jerath, president of the Senate of College Councils

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, president of the Texas Exes

Printice Gary, former UT regent

Brian Haley, former UT student regent

Judge Ricardo Hinojosa, former president, Texas Exes

Woody Hunt, former UT regent

William H. McRaven, chancellor-designate

Jack Randall, co-founder of Jeffries Randall & Dewey

Robert Rowling, former UT regent
