Report: UT a Top School for Producing Millionaire Grads

This week, we learned that UT alums are some of the most employable grads around. Now we know that they're also some of the most successful—at least when it comes to earning a paycheck. A new list compiled by British business magazine Spear's and business research company WealthInsight puts UT at number 17 in the world for producing millionaire graduates.
According to Times Higher Education, degrees in engineering lead the pack among millionaires, followed by MBAs, law, accounting, and finance—almost all areas where UT has been highly ranked.
The University tops the rankings for Texas schools, which include Southern Methodist (71), Texas A&M (75), and the University of Houston (83). UT came in number three among American public universities, behind the University of California (4) and the University of Michigan (12).
The survey looked at 70,000 individuals around the world who have a net worth above $1 million, not including primary residences.
UT spokesman Gary Susswein says the University is proud of all its graduates, regardless of wealth.
"Each year, our graduates go out and change the world as scientists, teachers, engineers, scholars, business owners, nurses, social workers and lawyers, among many other professions," he said. "We couldn't be prouder of them. And if many of them also become millionaires while changing the world, that's great for them."
Photo by Marsha Miller.