Rejoice: LHN Comes to Time Warner Cable

BY Andrew Roush in 40 Acres Special on August 30, 2013

Hours before kickoff, America's second-largest cable provider adds UT's much-maligned cable network.

Rejoice: LHN Comes to Time Warner Cable

Austin's biggest cable company has finally given in. Time Warner Cable now carries the Longhorn Network. And they announced it at 6 p.m. on Friday—less than 24 hours before the Horns first football game of the 2013 season. The game, against New Mexico State, will be broadcast on LHN. Kickoff is scheduled for 7 p.m. central.

The news is a godsend for those outraged, flustered, personally affronted, or otherwise insulted by the network's previously limited coverage. It's also good news for those who are simply tired of hearing the incessant caterwauling of those without 24/7 access to UT—and the handful of football games that end up on LHN each year.

The network, a unique lovechild of the University and ESPN/Disney, has broadcast Forty Acres-centric content year-round since August 2011. After two years of complaints and conniptions—many of them expressed on the Texas Exes Facebook page—Texans and Texas ex-pats subscribed to the cable behemoth can finally breathe a sigh of relief (and raise their Horns is celebration).

Here's hoping that as that sigh passes their lips, so does the last redundant, derivative, unfunny comment about LHN.

As LHN grows, the question remains: what will Mack think?

Here's how to access your new, non-stop destination for UT sport, news, and even the Alcalde:

Standard Definition, HD

Austin: 444, 1593

Columbus: 333, 1333

Gonzales: 333, 1333

Kerrville: 333, 1333

Waco/Killeen: 444, 1593

Dallas: 910, 911

El Paso: 333, 1333

Golden Triangle: 333, 1333

Greenville: 910, 911

Wichita Falls: 333, 1333

Corpus Christi: 333, 1333

Laredo: 333, 1333

Rio Grande Valley: 333, 1333

San Antonio: 395, 396

Disclosure: As stated, the Texas Exes has a show on the Longhorn Network—the Alcalde. You should watch it.
