Dozens of UT Graduate Programs Ranked in Top 10
With highly ranked graduate programs across colleges and disciplines, the latest rankings keep UT among the most elite universities in the country.

Nurturing a broad array of graduate programs is one way a Tier One university builds its reputation. Now, with new rankings for many of its graduate programs, UT is making a case that it's one of the best public universities in the country—if not the best. With the 2014 edition of U.S. News and World Report's “Best Graduate Schools” rankings, more than 50 UT graduate programs are ranked in the top 25 nationally, including accounting and Latin American history, which both ranked first in the nation.
In less than a decade, UT has made tremendous progress in the graduate school rankings. The University now has 16 top-five programs, up from nine in 2006. Computer engineering broke into the top five this year, up four places, while mechanical engineering and digital librarianship moved into the top 10.
[pullquote]"We should all be very proud of the progress UT Austin continues to make in graduate education.”[/pullquote]
The University's overall academic units also fared well, especially among its peer public institutions. The colleges of Education and Pharmacy were each ranked fourth in the nation, with the College of Education coming in first among public universities for the third consecutive year. The Cockrell School of Engineering is ranked 11th (and sixth among publics), the McCombs School of Business comes in at 17th (fifth among publics), the LBJ School of Public Affairs at 16th, the Jackson School of Geosciences at ninth, and the School of Social Work at seventh.
College of Education senior associate dean Marilyn Kameen says her college's ranking shows a "steadfast commitment to excellence" on behalf of faculty, staff, and students. She credits an emphasis on original research with the college's rise from 27th when the rankings began to fourth today.
In its most recent overall rankings, U.S. News ranked UT 46th in the nation, while the Times Higher Education Supplement named it 25th in the world, and 27 based on reputation. The U.S. News rankings use both quantitative and more subjective measures, as well as supplemental rankings from academic experts.
“Graduate programs are critical to the research university ecosystem," President Bill Powers said in a written statement Tuesday, "and UT-Austin’s graduate programs continue to be a source of strength, advancing the whole University. We should all be very proud of the progress UT-Austin continues to make in graduate education.”
The top 25 programs are listed below.
Accounting (Business) | 1 |
Latin American History | 1 |
Law Librarianship (Library and Information Science) | 2 |
Information Systems (Business) | 3 |
Earth Sciences - Geology | 3 |
Education - Overall ranking | 4 |
Special Education (Education) | 4 |
Pharmacy - Overall program | 4 |
Sociology of Population | 4 |
Archives and Preservation (Library and Information Science) | 4 |
Civil (Engineering) | 5 |
Computer (Engineering) | 5 |
Chemistry- Analytical | 5 |
Computer Science -Artificial Intelligence | 5 |
Computer Science - Programming Lang | 5 |
Physics- Plasma | 5 |
Chemical (Engineering) | 6 |
Environmental (Engineering) | 6 |
Ecology/Evolutionary Biology | 6 |
Earth Sciences - Geophysics/Seismology | 6 |
Library and Information Studies - Overall program | 6 |
Entrepreneurship (Business) | 7 |
Part-Time MBA (Business) | 7 |
Administration/Supervision (Education) | 7 |
Social Work | 7 |
Aerospace (Engineering) | 8 |
Computer Science | 8 |
Computer Science - Systems | 8 |
Math- Topology | 8 |
Physics-Cosmology/Relativity/Gravity | 8 |
Information and Technology Management (Public Affairs) | 8 |
Non-profit Management (Public Affairs) | 8 |
Educational Psychology (Education) | 9 |
Earth Sciences – Overall program | 9 |
Applied Math | 9 |
Digital Librarianship (Library and Information Science) | 9 |
Mechanical (Engineering) | 10 |
Speech-Language Pathology | 10 |
Chemistry- Theoretical | 10 |
Computer Science - Theory | 10 |
Marketing (Business) | 11 |
Production/Operations (Business) | 11 |
Engineering - Overall program | 11 |
Clinical Psychology (doctorate) | 11 |
Information Systems (Library and Information Science) | 11 |
Chemistry - overall | 12 |
Finance (Business) | 14 |
Psychology | 14 |
Sociology | 14 |
Mathematics | 14 |
Physics - overall | 14 |
Law - Overall program | 15 |
Public Affairs - Overall program | 16 |
Business - Overall program | 17 |
English | 17 |
History | 17 |
Political Science | 21 |
Fine Arts — Master's, overall program | 22 |
The Littlefield Fountain. Photo courtesy prakash_ut via Flickr Creative Commons.