Horns With Heart: Texas Exes Participate in Project Worldwide

BY Jordan Schraeder in TXEX Chapters Association Special on February 1, 2013
Horns With Heart: Texas Exes Participate in Project Worldwide

It's February, so it's all too fitting that Texas Exes chapters show a little extra love in their communities this month.

From coast to coast and even internationally, more than a thousand UT alumni are expected to give their time to feed the homeless, clean up parks, collect canned goods, and much more for Project Worldwide—the Texas Exes' monthlong volunteer initiative which kicks off today and extends through the end of February.

Project Worldwide was developed in conjunction with The Project, UT's largest day of service. Last year, 53 Texas Exes chapters worldwide participated in projects that ranged from donating blood to planting burnt-orange pansies and running charity races; this year, 62 are already slated to give back.

"The goal of Project Worldwide is to engage chapters in something different than a Thirsty Thursday or social gathering," says Texas Exes chapters coordinator Shanan Anderson. "By getting alumni involved in their communities, we're showing that Longhorns and The University of Texas want to give back."

Here are a few ways our chapters are participating in this year's Project Worldwide:

  • The Boston Chapter will be hosting a Valentine's Day-themed arts and crafts activity at the Franciscan Hospital for Children on Feb. 9.
  • The Fort Bend County Chapter is hosting a UT-themed spinning event at Revolution Studio in Sugar Land, Texas, on Feb. 23. Cyclists are encouraged to bring donations for the East Fort Bend County Human Needs Pantry
  • The Tulsa Chapter will work with Food for the Kids Backpack Program to pack nutritious snack items on Feb. 23.
  • The Johnson County Chapter will deliver Ani-Meals to the pets of Meals on Wheels recipients on Feb. 2.

Check to see if your local Texas Exes chapter has scheduled a Project Worldwide activity using our Chapter Events calendar. And it's not too late to get involved! Email Shanan Anderson at sanderson@alumni.utexas.edu if your chapter is interested in participating.

Photo by Jeff Heimsath.
