Johnson County Chapter Plants Orange and White Flowers

Planting a flowerbed can be almost like excavating an archeological site, as the Texas Exes Johnson County Chapter discovered Saturday.
"We dug up everything from a Barbie doll to a fake diamond ring to somebody's old wallet," says chapter member Belinda Linstrum. "I guess you never know what's hidden in the dirt."

More than 20 alumni, including some new members, came out to P.D. Lacewell Park in Cleburne to clear brush and plant orange and white flowers. The event was part of Texas Exes Care about the Project, a monthlong service initiative.
"It was a lot of fun to see that we'd made a visible difference in the beauty of the park," says Linstrum.

Top, from left: Belinda Linstrum, Kim Amis, Joan Leach, Scott Sanders, John Ulbrich, John Conly, Brad Wooldridge, David Goodloe, Julie Winchell, Cathy Wooldridge, and Ann Murphy.
Bottom left: Scott Sanders clips brush while Cathy Wooldridge and Belinda Linstrum rake.
At right: The group planted pansies in UT colors. Photos by Jane Ulbrich.