An Office Holiday Party Survival Guide

BY Kim Borron in Careers TXEX Special on December 19, 2011

An Office Holiday Party Survival Guide

Of the many species of holiday get-togethers, the office holiday party is perhaps the most derided. When cubicle-dwellers are forced to interact in the wild, away from the comforts of fluorescent lights and conference rooms, the potential for awkwardness can be high.

Don't worry—Texas Exes human resources coordinator Kim Borron has you covered. Here are her five tips for the best office holiday party yet!

1. Have fun, but don't overdo it with the alcohol. One margarita too many and you might say or do something you'll regret. You may forget about it, but others won't.

2. Dress appropriately. It's still a company function, so don't show too much skin.

3. Mingle, don’t monopolize. This is a time to meet and socialize with all employees. It’s not the time to have serious business discussions or complain about whatever is happening at the office. Keep conversations brief and cheerful—it’s a party!

4. Be friendly, but not too friendly. Flirting with other spouses, significant others, coworkers, or (God forbid) your boss is off-limits.

5. Take the time to thank the organizer. Leave a good impression by showing your appreciation for their efforts in arranging the event. Follow up with a note or email.

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