Americans are Worried About Energy, UT Poll Finds

BY Rose Cahalan in Blog Special on October 19, 2011

Americans are Worried About Energy, UT Poll Finds

A new poll from the McCombs School of Business' Energy Management and Innovation Center found that less than 14 percent of Americans believe the U.S. is headed in the right direction on energy issues.

The poll, which will be repeated biannually, was an online survey of 3,406 Americans.

Forty-one percent of respondents believed the U.S. energy situation will be worse off in 25 years, and 76 percent said they were worried about a lack of progress in developing renewable energy sources. Only 8 percent were satisfied with Congress' performance on energy issues.

Amid these grim numbers, one seems optimistic: 80 percent of respondents were somewhat interested or very interested in learning to reduce their personal energy use.

See the full results here:

Creative Commons image by Paul Lowry
