UT Grad Who Planned bin Laden Raid Assumes Special Ops Command

BY Rose Cahalan in Blog Special on August 9, 2011


The man who commanded the attack that killed Osama bin Laden is now head of the U.S. Special Operations Command.

Admiral William McRaven, a former Navy SEAL who previously led the Joint Special Operations Command, was promoted Monday in a ceremony at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla.

"Mr. Secretary," McRaven told Leon Panetta, "I guarantee we will not let you down."

His appointment came just two days after 30 American service members, 22 of whom were Navy SEALs, were killed in Afghanistan in a helicopter attack.

McRaven takes the reigns from Admiral Eric T. Olson, who will retire this month.

Read more about the ceremony in the Tampa Tribune and the official military press release.

Adm. William H. McRaven passes the U.S. Special Operations Command flag to Command Sgt. Major Thomas Smith. Photo by Mike Bottoms/USSOCOM Public Affairs
