Archive for: professors


Above and Beyond: Professor Courtney Byrd’s Surprise Honor ”I don’t know how to say ‘thank you’ in a way that conveys how I feel,”...



Seeing Race

In his class on the history of the Black Power movement, Leonard Moore ditches political correctness in favor of open, honest, and sometimes uncomfortable conversations...



The Texas 10

This year marks the fourth time the Alcalde has asked alumni to tell us about their favorite UT professors for a teaching award we call the Texas 10. Honorifics...


Faculty Hobbies

In honor of our centennial, we’ve dug deep into a century’s worth of Alcalde issues to bring you a fascinating look at how the Forty Acres has changed...


Professor Dads Need Work-Family Balance, OYTEX Winner Finds

Sick kids. Sleepless nights. Conflicts between work and day care. Although research suggests that most dual-income couples share parenting duties, many people still...


How UT Professors Are Like Chefs

An answer to the citizens of Texas, who pay my salary and lend me their children to educate “What do you do?” I am asked this question frequently, and often...
