Ask Jen

Personal Branding Done Right

The ubiquitous phrase “personal branding” prompts many an eyeroll—as the Onion recently parodied (“‘I Am a Brand,’ Pathetic Man...


Résumés Made to Order

Résumés are getting more creative than ever. One job-seeker made his résumé into an Amazon product—complete with customer reviews and “frustration-free...


5 Ways to Survive the World’s Worst Job Interview

Stress interviews are a job-seeker’s nightmare—unless you’re prepared. Everything is going smoothly in your job interview. But then you’re asked...


Have Diploma, Will Travel, Must Network

Dear Jen, Since graduating from UT in December, I’ve been struggling with the job search. I’ve applied for about 75 jobs, but haven’t landed a single...


New Year, New Career

Hey Jen, I’ve made my New Year’s resolutions to find more balance in my life this year, and that includes spending more time on the jogging trail and finding...


’Tis the Season to Job-Search: 10 Tips

Dear Jen, I’m thinking about doing a job-search—though I heard that December is not the best time to conduct one, given the holiday season. But someone recently...



If you’re like most of us, you have a LinkedIn account and accept the occasional connection request—but not much else. Here’s how to really use the networking...


Negotiate Now: Tips for Women

How can women be stellar negotiators? McCombs professor Emily Amanatullah says to turn inherent sexism to your advantage. She talked strategy with Texas Exes career...


How to Network, Texas Exes Style

Hi Jen, My husband is a member of Texas Exes and is seeking another job. He is a licensed civil engineer in TX—do you have suggestions on how to use the Texas...


911 for Switching Careers

Hi Jen, I would like to start a new career and really would love to go into a field completely different from my current experience. Is there a way for me to tailor...
