

UT Linguist Helps Computers Understand Natural Language [Watch]

They’re not taking over yet, but computers are rapidly becoming more intelligent. Katrin Erk, a computational linguist in UT’s College of Liberal Arts, has...


UT Professor Solves a Centuries-Old Shakespeare Mystery [Watch]

Coleridge would be proud. In 1833, poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge was the first to wonder if part of Thomas Kyd’s 16th-century play The Spanish Tragedy might...


UT Scientists Design Lander for Jupiter’s Moon Europa

Are we alone in the universe? University of Texas scientists have drawn up plans for a NASA lander that could finally answer that age-old question. After more than...


UT Engineers Shake Up Earthquake Research in New Zealand

You may have thought nothing could top the “Texas Longhorn” of dinosaurs. But what if we told you that one group of UT engineers gets to work with a 64,000-pound...


In Chilling Demo, UT GPS Expert Hijacks a Yacht at Sea [Watch]

UT engineer and GPS expert Todd Humphreys has long been an outspoken voice for the relatively new problem of GPS security. In 2011, Humphreys demonstrated how scarily...


Fake Trees, Real Potential

By mimicking a tree’s approach to photosynthesis, the Surface-Adhering Bioreactor grows crops of algae with unheard-of efficiency. Assistant professor of mechanical...


UT’s New Particle Accelerator Could Democratize Scientific Research

You may only know them from the dentist’s office, but x-rays are pretty important when it comes to research. Used in nearly every scientific discipline, x-ray...


UT Professor Develops High-Tech Monitoring “Tattoo”

Can’t see the video? Click here. Temporary tattoos have never been cooler. A UT assistant professor and her team have developed an electronic “tattoo”...


“What Jane Saw” Website Lets Visitors Time-Travel with Austen

You no longer need to travel across the pond to walk in the footsteps of Jane Austen. A London exhibit that Austen attended roughly 200 years ago has been digitally...


How “Adrift” Are We? Less Than We Thought, New Studies Say

In 2011, the book Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses gripped the higher-ed world with an alarming argument: many college students, the authors...
