40 Acres


There’s a Magic to Music at the LBJ Library

Elvis Presley’s jumpsuit, 1972. Bruce Springsteen’s Born In the U.S.A. album cover outfit, 1984. Stevie Ray Vaughan’s “Number...


Student and Local Organizations Inspire Next Generation of Scientists at UT’s STEM Girl Day

A girl and her father visit an exhibit demonstrating the buoyancy of golf balls. Millie Bobby Brown’s turbine-like hooks, which spin in a move called “The...


West Campus Market Provides Venue and Music Community

Midnight Butterfly performing at Friendly Rio Market on Dec. 9, 2023. As dusk falls over West Campus, the concrete walls of a neighborhood corner store thrum...


Q&A: A Documentarian and a Longhorn Explore the Spirituality of Sports

Joe Levin, co-author of Religion of Sports. Joe Levin, BA, BJ ’21, Life Member, likes to say he’s from Los Angeles via Austin. Even before he attended UT...


Engineering Students Work on Project Connect in Professionalism Course

As Austin grows into a major business and technology hub, the city’s infrastructure must also expand. From higher rent prices to new buildings along the skyline,...


The Moritz Center Supports Life-Changing Social Work

During the summer of 2021, an 85-year-old man with a shock of white hair and a surfer’s tan lay in his bed in Arlington making his last stand against cancer....


Texas Football’s Rowdiest Season in a Generation

The Undertaker and Quinn Ewers after the 2023 Big 12 Championship game. Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: Texas Football is back. No, really back this...


Hogg Memorial Auditorium Undergoes Exciting Renovations

The newly restored Hogg Auditorium boasts replicas of the decorative plates that used to adorn the aisle seats. Not many 90-year-olds look this good. In fact,...


Longhorn Band and Alumni Work to Become the Most Funded College Band in the Country

The Longhorn Band in Darrel K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium. The Longhorn Band is more than just a college marching band—it’s the drumbeat of Longhorn pride....


Darden Smith Is UT’s Inaugural Songwriter in Residence

Smith photographed in Austin. It was Darden Smith’s UT English professor who first recognized his talent. When Smith, BA ’85, turned in an essay for...
