HookedIn Spotlight Series: Drew Benedikt

It’s time for another edition of our HookedIn Spotlight Series! More than 20,000 Longhorns are connecting on the world’s biggest burnt-orange social network, and these Longhorns deserve to be recognized. Drew Benedikt graduated in 2021 with a BBA in Finance and a BA from the Plan II Honors Program. Drew uses HookedIn for career and industry-specific advice, networking, and investing in the future. We asked Drew to answer some questions about his time at UT and more. 

How did UT contribute to your success? 

The abundant, bordering on excessive, number of essays I was forced to write in Plan II has made me who I am today: a writer. Writing is my most valuable skill. It has taught me how to order and distill ideas, served as an important creative outlet, and has improved my life along innumerable facets. 

How is HookedIn helping you in your career journey? 

The mentor/mentee program through HookedIn has proven a very useful networking tool in my professional journey. As Otto von Bismarck said, “the wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” I am extremely grateful that I can leverage the wisdom of those who came before me as I trek through my professional and personal life.  

What is your motto? 

My motto is ‘appreciate the little things in life and be grateful for what you have.’ The hedonic treadmill always churns. We’ve gone from Clayton Spear to nuclear fission, eradicated entire diseases, and created a world built on the principles we decided were just. Be appreciative. 

What is your favorite memory of UT? 

My roundtable discussions in many of my Plan II classes, most notably those of Professor George Christian, were a constant pleasure. I’m a sucker for debating interesting ideas.  

Who are your heroes? 

Seneca the Younger for teaching me how to live, Marcus Cicero for his selfless oath to his republic, Leonardo Da Vinci for proving excellence is a choice, and my father for showing what one person can accomplish with so little.  

What is the best piece of advice you’ve received? 

Per my parents, “make use of the opportunities you are given.” 

Who was the most helpful person in your professional journey? 

My boss, Kevin Covey, has shown me what it takes to be an entrepreneur and has pushed me to be a better professional across all domains. He has delegated important responsibilities to me and trusted me to accomplish them. I’m forever grateful to him for the experience I’ve been given at such a crucial juncture of life. 

What do you consider your greatest achievement? 

My Plan II thesis on the devolution of republics, for which I was given Honors Thesis. I wrote 40 pages over the requirement and did so joyously. It is a great point of pride, and though flawed, something I always point to as evidence of my critical thinking and writing ability.  

What is one thing you wish you had done differently in college?  

Taken more classes on subjects that I found interesting or fascinating. Made better use of the abundant free time I now realize I had. 

What is the most underrated or surprising thing about UT?  

It’s a massive school and a public Ivy. Many a time, I have read impressive books, only to flip to the back and learn that the author was an alumni or professor of UT. I’ve reached out to professors who I’ve never met asking for help understanding some subject or another. None of them have ever turned me away.  

Get connected with Drew and other Longhorns on HookedIn, the official networking platform of The University of Texas. 


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