8 Instagram Accounts from the Longhorn Universe You Need to Follow
We understand that Longhorn fans are always looking for more UT-related content. We also know you’re probably already following accounts like @TexasFootball and @OfficallyMcConaughey. But those are far from the only options to make your feed a little more burnt-orange. The Alcalde has rounded up some unique accounts from the Longhorn universe that will help you keep up with the happenings on and around the Forty Acres.
The Hungry Longhorn @thehungrylonghorn
If you’re looking for the best eats near campus and around Austin, The Hungry Longhorn has got you covered. Anthony Matthews, BBA ’19, has tried over 500 restaurants in the Austin area and has no plans to stop. Matthews started his account to encourage others to get out of their comfort zones and try new things. Of note: his current favorite restaurant near campus is Halal Bros!
Squirrels of UT Austin @squirrels.of.ut
We all know the legend of the albino squirrel—see the squirrel on the day of an exam and you’ll be sure to pass. However, most don’t know there are many other squirrels on campus worthy of our attention. Squirrels of UT Austin shares pictures of the friendly squirrels as well as their names and where to find them. They even made a Squirrels of UT Yearbook.
UT Bells @texascarillon
Go behind the scenes and meet the people who make the Tower play its lovely music with the help of the Texas Carillon Instagram account. This account shares information about upcoming concerts, videos of its players ringing the bells, and all news surrounding the UT Guild of Carillonneurs. Check out our Alcalde Doc for even more information.
El Arroyo @ElArroyo_ATX
Initially famous for queso and margaritas, this local favorite Tex-Mex restaurant had a skyrocketing rise in popularity thanks to its marquee sign outside its front door. Every day, El Arroyo updates their sign, and its Instagram, with a quippy comment or joke that is sure to make you laugh.
UT Austin Affirmations @utaustinaffirmations
Who doesn’t want a little motivation while scrolling through Instagram? UT Austin Affirmations provides words of encouragement and positivity that are specific to the struggles of UT students. Through brightly colored graphics and fun edits, their posts are sure to bring some joy to your timeline. Plus, this account also shares popular album covers where the original artist has been replaced with everyone’s favorite Longhorn.
Chet Garner (The Daytripper) @chettripper
Think you’ve been everywhere in Texas? Think again. Chet Garner, BS ’03, Life Member, AKA “The Daytripper” has made it his mission to explore every corner of the Lone Star State, from the well-known landmarks to the completely obscure dives and hideaways. His Instagram features travel tips, must-see destinations, and behind-the-scenes moments from his adventures.
Floors of UT Austin @utfloors
“Floors! Ground! Places of walking and standing!” These are the words used to describe the unique Floors of UT Austin Instagram account. With less than 500 followers, this account is a hidden gem. Using a 10-point scale for rating, this account shares reviews of the various floors around campus. From the tile work in the Alumni Center to the bathrooms of the ECJ, UT Floors provides fun reviews and campus architecture that has been often overlooked.
Blanton Museum of Art @blantonmuseum
The Blanton Museum of Art has been a campus mainstay since its opening in the 1960s. The Blanton’s permanent collection features more than 21,000 works of art, and the museum also has a variety of rotating exhibits. On Instagram, the Blanton shares in-depth information on many of its pieces, as well as information on discount days and events. Plus, the artwork will definitely improve the aesthetics of your feed.