Longhorns Give Back to the Community Through Project Worldwide

BY Danielle Lopez in TXEX on February 13, 2019

Every February, thousands of Longhorns near and far come together in the spirit of service for Project Worldwide, a monthlong initiative co-hosted by the Texas Exes and UT’s Department of Diversity and Community Engagement.

The initiative is part of The Project, UT’s largest day of service during which students, faculty, and staff work together to serve the Austin community. The Texas Exes’ Project Worldwide offers alumni a chance to do the same for their own communities. This year, 50 Texas Exes Chapters are participating, from Italy to San Francisco to the Rio Grande Valley. Here’s just a glimpse into what alumni are doing around the globe:


Kerr County

On Saturday, Feb. 16, alumni from the Kerr County Chapter gave it their all while helping Habitat for Humanity landscape their future neighborhood park.


Mexico City

Nearly 1,000 miles south of the Forty Acres, Longhorns in Mexico City have been busy running a clothing drive to take to a local hospital, where they will also distribute hygiene kits.


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Highland Lakes

The Highland Lakes chapter in Marble Falls spent a day in early February giving the building a fresh coat of paint and doing maintenance work around the local Boys & Girls Club.



For the second year, our Longhorn expatriates in Italy are cleaning up Rome’s “Central Park” at the Villa Borghese Gardens, the third-largest public park in the city.


Austin County

Over in Austin County, alumni have promised to plant trees at a local school based on the number of times the Longhorn football team wins in a season. This year, they are planting 10 trees.



San Francisco

These California Longhorns served lunch to people in need through Glide Memorial United Methodist Church.


Longhorn Village 

Texas Exes’ Forty Acres Scholarship students are teaming up with the Longhorn Village Chapter to collect clothes for the Salvation Army.


Rocky Mountain

The folks in Denver are helping with “Creation Day” for Ferocious Fighters, a nonprofit dedicated to helping children with CRPS, a chronic neurological pain disease. Longhorns will create blankets, pillows, care packages, and more.  



San Diego

Longhorns over on the West Coast spent their weekend supporting the Beach Lovers Cleanup at Tourmaline Surf.


Hidalgo-Starr County

Down south in the Rio Grande Valley, Longhorns from the Hidalgo-Starr County chapter are sorting food and preparing a meal for about 300 people through the RGV Food Bank in McAllen.


Rocky Mountain

For the third year in a row, the Rocky Mountain Chapter served dinner to the homeless at the Denver Rescue Mission's Crossing Point.

To get involved with Project Worldwide and find your local chapter, go here.