Student Lounge at the UT Belo Center Dedicated to Joel and Lena Davis

The Austin-based communications firm EnviroMedia announced the dedication of their student lounge at the University of Texas Belo Center for New Media in the name of Joel and Lena Davis. They are the parents of EnviroMedia co-founder Valerie Salinas-Davis, BJ ’85, Life Member.
EnviroMedia celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2017, and the Davises helped with an investment in the company, in addition to putting Valerie through college. Valerie’s sister, Cathy Davis Levine, BA ’89, serves as EnviroMedia’s operations manager and just celebrated her 15th anniversary with the company.
Pictured above from left, Valerie Salinas-Davis, Joel and Lena Davis, EnviroMedia principal Millie Salinas-Davis, and UT Moody College of Communication gift planning director John Bregot.
Pictured below, the Davises (center) visit the EnviroMedia staff at their sustainably built headquarters in East Austin. Fellow Texas Exes include Cathy Levine, BA ’91, second from right, and Sarah Frederick Shuler, BS ’05 seventh from right.