UT Publishes Free Digital Edition of "The Collections"

BY Marisa Charpentier in Blog 40 Acres on June 8, 2017
The Collections

More than 170 million cultural artifacts fill the university’s repositories, outdoing many of the largest collections in the nation. But people don’t have to visit campus to peek into the university vaults. UT announced Thursday the release of a free digital edition of The Collections, a 720-page book of UT’s objects. The ebook is available for download at thecollections.utexas.edu.

The Collections, edited by Andrée Bober, BFA ’92, director of UT’s public art program Landmarks, was released in print in January 2016. The book includes photographs and historical information about the university’s artifacts, like a yellow evening gown from Lady Bird Johnson, Robert De Niro’s taxi driver’s license used for his role in the film Taxi Driver, and the first page of an illuminated manuscript of Dante Alighieri’s Divina Commedia. Bober employed the expertise of more than 350 individuals for the book. “I believe this book, whatever its lacunae, speaks eloquently to the university’s collecting strengths and the resources for scholarship and study that are publicly available,” she writes in the introduction.

Read about more of the objects discussed in the book in this article from the Jan | Feb 2016 issue of the Alcalde.

Photo courtesy of Mark Menjivar
