Longhorns Celebrate National Cat Day

Longhorn alumni celebrated National Cat Day in 2015 by sharing their fellow feline Longhorn friends.
Pictured above, clockwise from top left: The late Bud with his beloved Longhorn mat, submitted by Mike Arellano, BS ’97; a furry friend submitted by Christine Tran, BSN ’12; Jinji, shared by Jesse G. Martinez, BA ’90; Mittens, ready for gameday, submitted by Amanda Bui, PharmD ’14; and Pepper, shared by Britni Whittington, BS ’11, Life Member.
Pictured below, clockwise from top left: a true Longhorn, shared by Miranda Carrillo, BJ ’10, Life Member; the late 19-year-old Nermal Ann, submitted by Nicole Robillard, BS ’09; two attentive little Longhorns shared by Connie Meng, BBA ’14, Life Member; and Bear, a blind Longhorn cat owned by Alia Rawji, BS ’13, and Andrew Camelio, PhD ’14.

Pictured below, from left: Fifi, a pure-bred Blue Point Siamese, shared by Bryan Buitron, BS ’11; and Jenny Huang, BS ’05.