September|October Alumni Authors

BY Chris O'Connell in TXEX Sept | Oct 2014 on August 29, 2014

Recently Published



Adventures with a Historian:
The Life & Times of John R. “Jack” Hubbard
by John R. Hubbard, BA ’38, MA ’39, PhD ’50, Life Member, Distinguished Alumnus

Historian Jack Hubbard has seen it all. From the roaring ’20s to supercomputing, Hubbard had a knack for being in the right place at the right time. His memoirs, compiled and edited by his brother George and niece Elizabeth, don’t extend past 1969, but thanks to the painstaking efforts of his editors, we are privy to what happened behind the typewriter in those final 40 years.




Fried Windows (In A Light White Sauce)
by Elgon Williams, BBA ’81, Life Member

Not everything is as it seems in Williams’ dazzling fantasy novel. Brent, an unassuming computer technician, is sent on an unexpected adventure thanks to a peculiar customer and her odd instructions. The result is a delightful romp that gets more unbelievable by the minute.








Outside the Gates of Eden
by Peter Bacon Hales, MA ’76, PhD ’81

From Hiroshima to Fallout 3, Bob Dylan to American Idol, Levittown to SimCity, Hales gives us an update of American history from the end of World War II to the present day. No pop-culture artifact is too lowbrow in his thorough examination of the modern American dream, one that began with the nightmarish image of a mushroom cloud over Japan and continues today with our obsession with the simulation of disaster scenarios using our own technology.





Murder by Misrule
by Anna Castle, BA ’79, PhD ’00

The first book in Anna Castle’s historical mystery series features Francis Bacon at its center, as he and his charge Thomas Clarady investigate a murder at Gray’s Inn. Using Elizabethan figures like Sir Walter Raleigh, Christopher Marlowe, and the Queen herself, Castle draws from her vast knowledge of history love of crime fiction to weave an unforgettable tale that is full of fun, danger, and conspiracy.






Botany: Plants, Cells, and Photosynthesis
by April Chloe Terrazas, BS ’10, Life Member

Part of the Super Smart Science book series, this children’s book takes a surprisingly detailed look at botany and basic plant structure. The book is accessible to all ages while still being informative. Its clear, easy-to-follow illustrations help children and adults alike understand the basics of photosynthesis and plant cells.





Gabriel’s Creek
by Alan Livingston, ’80, Life Member

Livingston’s novel takes readers on a golfing journey full of mysteries that build with each turn of the page. After being told that he only has days—maybe hours—to live, Chris Collins finds himself about to play his last round at Gabriel’s Creek Golf Course. Accompanied by a strange border collie named Ralph, Collins must face friends and foes as he experiences the majesty of the course. By the 18th hole, it seems that Gabriel’s Creek isn’t all that it appears to be.
