Talk Back: Responses to our May|June Issue

The Centennial Issue
Judy Hillegeist, BS ’71, had a few kind words for our 100th birthday. “Okay, put the May|June issue in a time capsule. This one’s a keeper. I turned page after page and wanted to say out loud (to anyone who would listen) ‘Hey! You have to read this one!’ As if the photos weren’t all you needed to hook us in, then you presented the likes of Emily Rapp and Prudence Mackintosh and the 40 Acres Flashback. I’m looking forward to you topping this issue.”
"We Thought He Was Gone”: A Longhorn Parent’s Nightmare in Boston
The online story of Brian Downes, BA ’72, a father whose newlywed son and daughter-in-law both lost legs in the Boston Marathon bombings, was one of our most popular stories ever, and inspired alumni to pass along emotional and financial support.
Erin Rienstra said, “Thank you so much for writing such a delicate article about what happened to this beautiful couple. I shared it with my husband who immediately had the same reaction. Thanks for reaching out and letting us know how we can help!”
Letty Fernandez, BJ ’78, Life Member, said, “Just read your story on the father whose son and daughter-in-law were hurt in Boston—powerful. It moved me to give.”

The Love of Strangers
Michelle Currie was moved by Emily Rapp’s story about her late son, Ronan. “[This story is] a great example of how an online community can provide support, healing, and improved emotional well-being through shared experience. I had no idea she was a ’Horn!”
The essay also made Scott Culpepper, BS ’92, Life Member, see his patients in a new way. “As a family physician, I sometimes get jaded by what I see. Your article made me re-evaluate [my work],” he said. “I see the incredible need for empathy.”
Dormitory Darlings
Not all alumni were happy to see us cover UT’s new overnight guest policy. “Young people can make enough life errors without your help,” said Don Leonard, LLB ’61. “This is taking education the wrong way.”
Comment of the Month
Rick Kelly, BA ’88, Life Member, gave us some serious validation. “I love what y’all are doing with the Alcalde. It’s more interesting and readable than ever. Keep up the awesome work, and hook ’em!”
At the Alcalde, we welcome all thoughts about our coverage of the University at