
Camera-ReadyThe first rule of video job interviews: keep your pants on.

This spring, the Forty Acres’ first interviewing room opened at the Perry-Castañeda Library. Equipped with a webcam and high-definition computer screen, the room gives students a quiet, reliable place to conduct an increasingly common part of the hiring process: video interviews.

“Video interviewing is becoming much more popular,” says Texas Exes Career Services counselor and coach Caitlin von Liski. “It’s a great way for employers to meet a candidate without those extra travel expenses.”

Employers love video interviews because they’re free, easy to schedule, and can be recorded for later review. Job-seekers may also enjoy the extra flexibility offered by on-screen interviews—but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do your homework. Below, von Liski offers five things to consider.

Check the connection. A fast, reliable Internet connection is crucial. Do a test video chat with a friend to get comfortable with the software and to ensure that your network doesn’t lag or disconnect. If it does, consider the local library or a friend’s house.

Lights, camera, action! Test out your webcam to make sure the angle is comfortable and flattering. You might need to move the computer or external webcam around—say, by stacking books under your laptop. And make sure there’s enough light for your face to be visible.

 Dress for success. Although you may be tempted to wear pajama pants and a blazer, dress just as you would for an in-person interview. You’ll feel more confident.

Turn off all other sounds and applications. You don’t want the ding of a notification to interrupt your interview, so make sure all other sounds and applications are silenced. Set your status to “Invisible” so friends won’t interrupt, or even create a separate account. (Keep it professional, since your profile photo and account name will be visible to the interviewer. “TwihardGurl249” might not be the best choice.)

 Have a backup plan. Exchange email addresses and phone numbers with your interviewer ahead of time if possible. It’s common for video chats to freeze or lag, so stay calm. If the connection does go down, get in touch with the interviewer to discuss next steps.

Credit: thinkstock.


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