Faculty Hobbies
In honor of our centennial, we've dug deep into a century's worth of Alcalde issues to bring you a fascinating look at how the Forty Acres has changed over the years.

Too often there exists in the minds of students and alumni the false notion that faculty people really aren’t people at all. There is a tendency to think about teachers as being out of touch with reality and the daily flow of human events. Faculty members who fit this pattern are definitely the exception and not the rule.

To help dispel any misconceptions about the humanness of college teachers, The Alcalde presents some pictures of a few University of Texas faculty people who are caught up in the excitement which a hobby affords. After the classes are over for the day, the papers graded, the administrative minutiae taken care of, then faculty members find a spare moment here and there to indulge their interest in a hobby.
From top: Dr. H. J. Leon, Professor of Classical Languages, spends his spare moments with his stamp collection; Dr. Lucetta Teagarden, Assistant Professor of English, caters to whims of her skye terrier, NoelDr. David Cornell, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, spends off hours serving as scoutmaster at the UT Presbyterian Church.