Talk Back: Responses to our January|February Issue

BY Alcalde Staff in Letters to the Editor March | April 2013 on March 1, 2013


A New Suit

The Texas Exes unveiled a brand new look, and readers had a lot to say about it. Larry Lauck, BJ ’77, Life Member, wrote: “I applaud the simplification of the logo. It was overdue. The old logo was too tricked-up.”

Michael S. Mullen, BS ’91, said, “I didn’t like the last logo. This is awesome. I need a new window sticker.”

Wendy Hanson Barnard, BBA ’88, Life Member, was less enthused. “I’m disappointed with the new look. Hopefully there was a compelling business case for such a change.”





Longhorns On Mars

Mike Agresta’s story about a group of Longhorn scientists that is using robots to explore Mars sounded very familiar to Mike Logothetis, MS ’96. He wrote: “I worked at ATK Elkton, an aerospace company specializing in solid propulsion systems. I worked with many people from JPL and never thought to ask if they were fellow Longhorns. How foolish of me!”



Coach, Remembered

Molly James was moved by our tribute to the late great Darrell K Royal. “Love DKR. The impact he had on UT and on the many players he coached and mentored will never be forgotten. Long live his memory, his legacy, and all he brought to The University of Texas.”



Chin Up!

Our spotlight on a UT posture competition in 1938 made a few readers sit up straight. Kay Peterson, BS ’77, JD ’91, Life Member, said: “My mother was the posture queen at her college, Texas State College for Women (now TWU), in the 1940s. Of course, back then young women didn’t grow up with heavy backpacks to lug around starting in elementary school.”

Bunmi Esho, BS ’97, said: “And we wonder why the generations cannot relate. I can barely sit down in my seat without getting antsy (and I’m a grown adult) and back then there was a sport that involved you sitting or standing like a statue.”


Mack Attacks

We didn’t run an article about him, but Margaret Kiefer, BA ’69, still has some strong words for all you Mack Brown-haters out there: “Bring Mack back! He’s a leader; Alex Okafor and David Ash are leaders—and, the team is steadily improving! Forget the boos. If these so-called fans don’t like our team, let them root for Johnny Football. The door is still open. P.S. You guys are doing a great job with the Alcalde!”


Comment of the Month

On Reddit’s r/utaustin page, Roberto Gonzalez saw a connection between UT’s 1938 posture contest (“Chin Up!” Jan|Feb) and a more recent campus tradition. “It’s like vertical planking,” he said.


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