Who Says Longhorns and Aggies Don't Get Along?
Texas Exes Caldwell County Chapter Teams Up with Aggies for Golf Tournament

Three years ago, David Kristynik realized he had a problem. The diehard Texas Ex was surrounded by Aggies in Caldwell County, and they always seemed to go their separate ways. "I didn't know any Aggies," says Kristynik, BS '62, Life Member. Things didn't feel neighborly.
The solution? He partnered with the Texas Exes Caldwell County Chapter and the Caldwell County A&M Club to start the Gig 'em and Hook 'em Golf Tournament.
Kristynik says he caught a bit of flack from fellow Longhorns for putting "Gig 'em" before "Hook 'em" in the name of the tournament—it's alphabetical, he reassures us—but other than that, the partnership has gone off without a hitch.
The third annual tournament, held May 5 at the Luling Golf Club, netted nearly $5,800 in scholarship funds. The Aggies and the Longhorns will split it down the middle to help send area students to both universities.
And Kristynik has plenty of Aggie friends these days. He says the tournament wouldn't be possible without the event co-chair, A&M alumnus Gary Dickenson. "We all work together for a good cause," Kristynik says. "And it's a heck of a lot of fun."
Photo courtesy Lucy Knight, BA '71, MS '73, Life Member, Caldwell Chapter Treasurer.