A Longhorn Sketched in Sand

BY Rose Cahalan in TXEX Fan Mail on June 13, 2012


Nita M. Patel, BBA '01, lives near Phoenix. During a beach stroll on vacation in Puerto Penasco, Mexico, Patel paused to draw a longhorn in the sand. We asked her why she doodled a longhorn in particular—here's her answer:

"Whenever I go to tropical destinations, I walk the beach early in the morning. It's hard to resist drawing things in the footprint-free sand at that time. The first thing that always comes to mind is the most important thing: home.

For me home means Texas. Texas means family, friends, great childhood memories, and UT. The longhorn symbol represents all that for me. I love attending Texas Exes events in Phoenix. Being in another state really makes it even more meaningful and gives a huge sense of pride. Saying you're from Texas here is pretty much the same as saying you're a UT Longhorn and vice-versa. The great part is that everyone else seems to think that as well!"