Texas Laughs: UT Memes Flood Facebook

A Facebook page for UT-themed memes has gone viral, garnering more than 9,000 likes since it was started Sunday afternoon.

UTexas Memes encourages users to create their own memes and share them on the page.
More than 400 memes have been posted, mostly by UT undergrads. Among the most popular subjects: campus fashion, academic frustrations, and the inevitable Aggie jokes.
With more than 2,000 likes, the most popular meme we've seen celebrates a campus Wendy's employee (Junior of the Wendy's in the Union) whose passion for his job has made him a UT celebrity.
The Alcalde got in touch with the page's creator to learn more—only to find a mysterious prankster cloaked in anonymity.
The creator of UTexas Memes would reveal only that he or she is a UT freshman. He says that identifying himself "just isn't the right thing to do," and that the memes posted by users are funnier than his own creations.
He says he got the idea for the page on Sunday, when he saw a meme he could relate to on another site. "So I thought, what if every student at UT could relate to this? And so it began."
The anonymous student says he thinks the page went viral because students love seeing jokes they can relate to.
He says "all the memes are awesome," but adds that a few racist jokes have been deleted "by Chuck Norris."
Similar pages for OU and Baylor have also popped up.