Chapters Volunteer at Homeless Shelters For Texas Exes Care

Everything's bigger about Texans—especially the size of their hearts.
Both the Atlanta and Arlington chapters of the Texas Exes took time to volunteer at local homeless shelters for Texas Exes Care About the Project, four weeks of Texas Exes service projects that were performed throughout February.
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The Arlington Chapter put their chef’s hats on and fixed up hot dogs, brisket, side dishes, and desserts for the clients of Arlington Life Shelter, an organization that aims to help the city’s homeless get back on their feet. The 12 Exes who volunteered also got the chance to visit with the residents during their meal.
Twenty members of the Atlanta Chapter served barbecue, a special Longhorn banana pudding, and—at the clients’ request—Dr Pepper to the men of the Journey Men’s Center, a shelter that provides support to the homeless men of Atlanta.
“It was just so eye-opening for us,” says Laura Carpenter, assistant director of chapters for the Texas Exes who attended the event. “These men were well-educated. How many catastrophes does it take to be there, too?”
One of the funniest moments during their time at the shelter was when the Exes attempted to teach the clients how to do the Hook ’em Horns hand sign.
[caption id="attachment_17361" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Longhorn Banana Pudding, made by the Atlanta Chapter"]

“They were like, ‘We don’t want to be throwing up any gang signs!’” Carpenter laughs.
Afterwards, the Atlanta Exes went out for barbecue themselves and reflected on how good it felt to bring a little bit of Texas hospitality to the Atlanta community.
“It was nice to give them a little dose of Austin here in the Atlanta area,” says Atlanta Chapter member Travis Nichols.
The Arlington and Atlanta Chapters weren’t the only ones to give back to the less fortunate during the month of Texas Exes Care. The Alaska Chapter served at a soup kitchen, while the Philadelphia, Lubbock, and Orlando chapters volunteered at local Ronald McDonald houses—proof that what starts at UT really does change every community, state, and nation, and of course, the world.
Top, the Atlanta Chapter. Photos by Laura Carpenter