Aggies Issue Baylor an 11th Commandment

BY Tim Taliaferro in Blog on September 19, 2011
Waco Billboard

Update: Yep, looks like this billboard is real, and it's placed right outside Baylor's football stadium.

Remember that billboard we told you about, which may or may not have been real, that read "Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Conference Deal"?

Well, a real live version of that billboard may or may not have been erected in Waco with the same message, only this time it's not from God. Judging from the maroon color palette, I'm thinking it's a message from Aggie fans upset that Baylor has threatened to sue if A&M bolts the Big 12 for the SEC. has a photo here, and it's making its way across message boards and inboxes as we speak.

