Party on the Plaza Offers Food, Fun to Campus Newcomers

BY Jordan Schraeder in 40 Acres on August 31, 2011

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This is one college party parents would approve of.

RecSports hosted its annual student organization fair, known as Party on the Plaza, today to help connect new students with the multitude of campus clubs at UT.

More than 215 student groups and businesses set up shop outside Gregory Gym, handing out informational fliers, T-shirts, and the college favorite: free food.

RecSports provided some good ol' Texas entertainment with a mechanical bull, photo booth, putt-putt challenge, and basketball shoot-out.

“It’s a great way to end Welcome Week and get students involved right away, rather than later on in the semester,” says Sarah Classen, the event’s student chair.

Party on the Plaza benefits the Student Emergency Fund, a service provided by the Office of the Dean of Students for Longhorns who are financially handicapped by an emergency situation.

Last year’s event raised $3,400 through donations from the participating student clubs.

Photos by Kae Wang.
