Meet a Texas Exes Scholar: Neven Simpson
The Texas Exes Awards for Scholarship and Leadership have long been the Association’s most prestigious and generous scholarships. Today's Texas Exes Scholars are tomorrow's leaders. Learn more about the program here.

1. What is your proudest accomplishment of your college career thus far and why?
While I could name a few specific things that I am proud of achieving in college–obtaining a leadership role in one of the oldest organizations on campus, landing an internship at one of my dream agencies to work for, or simply maintaining my goal GPA throughout school thus far–something entirely different stands out to me. For me, my proudest accomplishment of my college career comes from being able to say that I have been able to continually find new ways to challenge myself and test my limits, which has exponentially contributed to my growth as an individual. Over the past three years, I have been able to discover who I am as a person by embracing all of the opportunities I’ve been given by the University of Texas and the Texas Exes alike. That being said, I think that all of my accomplishments while on the Forty Acres have contributed to the person I am, and to the person I will become as I leave this university. Through UT I have been given all the tools and resources needed to continually evolve and grow, and being able to say that I have utilized those resources to discover my own independence is something I am very proud of.
2. What’s one way that being a Texas Exes Scholar has changed you?
Being a part of such an elite group of students has definitely always pushed me to go that extra mile and to chase after my dreams–no matter how unattainable I may think they are. Sharing such close quarters with the other scholars has helped me to build perseverance and seek out opportunities I’m interested in. The other Texas Exes Scholars are truly inspiring, not just because of all the great accomplishments they achieve themselves, but also because they are always great people to turn to for advice and encouragement. Getting to know all of the other scholars has been a blessing to me and they have become a second family I know I can turn to whenever I’m in need.
3. What have you enjoyed most about being involved with the Texas Exes? Why?
The one thing I look forward to most about Texas Exes events has to be the people. Between the different UT alumni we interact with and our scholarship coordinators and other Texas Exes staff, you simply won’t find more hospitable people on campus that have such a devout love for the University. Every time I have been at a Texas Exes event where we all join together in singing The Eyes of Texas at the close, I get goose bumps all over just realizing that UT is where so many success stories began. Interacting with such prestigious alumni and hearing them talk about different things, like how they got started and what their college days were like, has been an unparalleled experience.
4. What has you the most excited for next year? Why?
While it is bittersweet to say, I’m most excited for graduation! After having a taste of a summer without taking classes I think I am finally ready to say that I’m looking forward to graduating and entering the “real world.” Having the end so close in sight will be a blessing in disguise because it will make me truly embrace every little moment I have this year since it will all be over so soon. Graduating also means I can join the ranks of alumni and finally put my education to use in everyday life. Interning this summer has really helped me form so many bridges between things I have learned in school to how they really work in the industry. Graduation is the finish line you’re working towards your entire time in college and finally reaching that line will be such a great feeling, and all those long nights in the library will finally all seem worth it!