Meet a Texas Exes Scholar: Ben Warren
The Texas Exes Awards for Scholarship and Leadership have long been the Association’s most prestigious and generous scholarships. Today's Texas Exes Scholars are tomorrow's leaders. Learn more about the program here.

1. What is your proudest accomplishment of your college career thus far and why?
Learning from and being able to work in new areas of research with some bright members of the scientific community has been a truly enriching experience. I have been working on a project to create a bioreactor that will keep human bone alive outside of the body. This is particularly exciting because the application of this device is unique, and we will be doing things that have never been done before.
2. What’s one way that being a Texas Exes Scholar has changed you?
As an Alabama native and out-of-state student, attending UT Austin would have been financially very difficult to achieve. This scholarship has allowed me to achieve this and get an unparalleled education in a great environment. It has allowed me to learn from some of the best faculty in the country and interact with intelligent and interesting peers and classmates. Furthermore, this scholarship has allowed me to focus on schoolwork and to build friendships rather than worrying about how to pay for school. To put it simply, the Texas Exes Scholarship put me in a position where I couldn’t ask for anything more.
3. What have you enjoyed most about being involved with the Texas Exes? Why?
Being involved with the Texas Exes has been a wonderful experience. My first introduction to the Texas Exes was as a senior in high school visiting the university to interview as a finalist for this great scholarship. Eleanor Moore, Derrick Miller, and Kristy Kimball were so kind, warm, and welcoming that I quickly felt at home here. As time went by, I realized that this was not an isolated occurrence, but that the Texas Exes is really just a great big family.
4. What has you the most excited for next year? Why?
I will be working on a senior project to design and build a completely new device for an external company. The idea of this project is exciting not only because it is a new project, but also because we as seniors will be applying skills and knowledge learned throughout school to produce something real and tangible.