Bring Back the Rodeo Club

Bring Back the Rodeo Club
I enjoyed Lynn Freehill’s article “Rodeo Club” in the March|April issue of The Alcalde. How sad to learn how short-lived the Rodeo Club was. I tried to start a similar club while in high school, but in my home town of Mission, Texas, most of us were farmers, not ranchers. We had one small rodeo with barrel and shovel races, but that was about it.
When I started college at Southwest Texas in San Marcos, we had an annual rodeo for anyone who wanted to participate with all the regular events during Frontier Days in the spring. But that ended when the National Colligate Rodeo Association took over.
It’s hard to believe that at a university as big as UT and with a Longhorn mascot there’s no rodeo club. Hopefully, the article will encourage the real cowboys and cowgirls there to carry on a great Texas tradition and start an new rodeo club, join the NCRA, and compete in intercollegiate events. Knowing how UT competes, I’m sure they could be national champions.
Michael Hugh, BS ’65, Life Member
Huntington Beach, Calif.
The Alcalde for iPad?
I love reading each new issue of The Alcalde. But isn’t there a better way to receive all its great content? I’d appreciate an option to stop receiving paper copies and instead read The Alcalde on my iPad or online. Its greener AND more interactive. Any chance this option exists or is in the works?
Thanks and keep up the good work.
Saleh Shaya, BS ’00
Life Member, Dallas
Editor’s Note: The Texas Exes is thrilled to announce that The Alcalde will soon be available to members online and on tablet devices with the launch of a new Alcalde website targeted for the July|August issue.
Does The Alcalde Shill For OU?
As a Life Member I really read my Alcalde on a regular basis. Last month, in the Books section, I saw an interesting new book entitled Texas: A Historical Atlas. The description sounded like something I’d enjoy. After a trip to Amazon and a few days for shipping; the book shows up at my house.
The cover looked inviting. The “coffee table” size was an unexpected plus. My anticipation swelled with self-congratulatory pride as I flipped through the opening pages. Then I crossed the leaf with publishing information. As I nearly vomited I read: “University of Oklahoma Press, Norman Oklahoma.”
What is the great big nasty deal? My Texas Exes shilling for OU? And I bought it. I closed the book and have yet to touch it again….
To make this nightmare even worse, two days later I received a District Court subpoena to testify in a Cleveland County (Norman) murder trial. (I work in the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office.) Maybe I should take the book with me and try to get Bob Stoops’ autograph.
Terry Grisham, BS ’82
Life Member
Add Me To Your Mailing List
It’s hard to believe that I have been an employee of the University for almost seven years and yesterday, for the first time, I became aware of your magazine; an excellent publication. I’m sure this is because of its popularity—it must disappear from the newsstand the day it’s published. The articles (September|October 2010) are diverse, informative, and well written, and appealing to a wide audience beyond alumni.
Is there any way that my organization (Applied Research Laboratories) can be added to your distribution list? Many of the staff, administrators and research scientists are Texas Exes, and I’m sure that they would enjoy access to The Alcalde if they are not otherwise receiving the magazine. I look forward to reading the next edition.
Neil Fox, Facility Security Officer
Applied Research Laboratories
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