Snowfall On The Forty Acres (Slideshow)

BY Rebecca Fontenot in Blog 40 Acres on February 4, 2011

Ranking right up there with seeing the albino squirrel, today was one of those glorious, elusive days in a UT student's college career — a snow day.

The University of Texas sent a text message out at 5:10 a.m. with the news that campus was closed for the day, but some students had declared it a snow day hours earlier — the Statesman caught a few students playing on campus in the early-morning hours as the snow was first beginning to stick.

Regular contributor to The Alcalde, Iris Camille Claudio, a graduate student in advertising and a native of Puerto Rico, snapped these fantastic photos of a white Forty Acres, taking full advantage of her second-ever snow day (the first being last year when Austin saw a few flakes fall).

I, myself, remember some wintry weather delaying the start of my junior year for a few days. Snow fell on one of them, but hardly stuck the way it did today. Did you get to experience a snow day while you were a student? Was it pandemonium? Tell us about it in the comments!