UT Students Strip Down For Charity Run

UT students took a break from finals studying last weekend to get a little exercise, have a little fun, and do a little good.
At the third annual Undie Run, students showed up at Pluckers in West Campus and donated the clothes off their back (literally) to charity. Then they ran a short race and came back to party in their underwear.
Prizes were given for Most Donated, Best Theme (even in their underwear, UT students are quite creative: see headdress at right), Fittest, and Sexiest.
Sponsored by Axe, this year's race became a challenge among schools in 10 cities to see who could donate the most clothes.
Austin runners took off more than 2,410 pounds of clothing for LifeWorks and Front Steps. The race isn't over with five schools left to strip down to their skivvies, but Arizona State University has already clinched the lead ahead of Austin with more than 5,000 pounds donated.
With May temperatures that shoot into the 90s and the reputation -- at least according to Playboy -- as a top party school, surely UT can step it up for next year.
Photo by Abbey Cleveland.