Archive for: tuition


TxExplainer: The 2017 Legislative Session Is Over. So Now What?

As the 2017 Texas Legislative session kicked into high gear, tensions were high—bills were filed, laws were made, and even a fight nearly broke out. From funding...


Editor’s Letter: The Fees That Bind Us

Who pays for higher education in Texas? Paying for college. The thought can strike fear into your financial planning as acutely as other heart-stopping expenses—I’m...


TXEXplainer: Tuition Set-Asides

It’s been called vital aid for middle-class families, a hidden tax, and Robin Hood pricing. Lawmakers are arguing over whether to do away with it, but many...


The Big Picture: Value Proposition

The real story behind UT’s tuition increase If you were to believe the sound bites about tuition at public institutions in Texas, it would be easy to assume higher...


UT Proposes Tuition Increase

On Monday, UT-Austin president Greg Fenves submitted a proposal to increase tuition by 3.1 percent, or approximately $152 per semester for full-time Texas resident...


All in Good Time

Texas has one of the best student-loan programs in the country. So why can’t UT tell students about it? The story behind Texas’ B-on-Time student loan program...


Despite Growing Public Doubt, Data Show College Is Worth It

Few topics have inspired more hand-wringing and hair-pulling in recent years than the cost of college. Phrases like “return on investment,” “time...


What Do Higher Ed Policymakers Care About Most?

Some of the biggest trends at Texas public universities boil down to one thing. College completion—and a number of issues that affect it—are likely to define...


Texas Lawmakers Seek Ban on In-State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrants

More than a decade ago, Texas became the first state to pass a law providing in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants. The law (House Bill 1403) passed in a...


Texas Senate to Discuss Re-Regulating Tuition

State Sen. Rodney Ellis (D-Houston) has revived the discussion of tuition re-regulation. Members have indicated that there may be increased support in the upcoming...
