Archive for: supercomputing


Tower Shines Bright for Student Supercomputing Win

Many a sports fan hopes the UT Tower will glow orange after a game on the football field. But last night, the Tower was lit for another kind of win: A student team...


Molecular Matchmaking for Drug Discovery

Some of the greatest advances in pharmaceutical history are thanks to educated guesswork or blind luck. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin when he noticed that...



Texas Scientists Grow the Tree of Life

You may think the Tree of Life was settled a long time ago, but scientists continue to refine, and sometimes radically alter, our understanding of how species are...



The Need For Speed

In 10 years, Jay Boisseau has taken UT from supercomputing minor player to national powerhouse. Now he wants to use Texas’ latest machine to tackle society’s...


UT Wins $50 Million to Build ‘Stampede’ Supercomputer

Last week, news broke that UT has won a grant to build the baddest-ass supercomputing system anywhere. The machine, which will be called “Stampede,”...


Lonestar 4 Supercomputer Dedicated

Supercomputing is vital to progress in automotive, aerospace, medical, pharmaceutical, energy, and many other industries. And as President Bill Powers puts it, at...
