Archive for: job search


How to Beat Job-Search Burnout

Job-hunting can be a long and arduous process. A 2012 AARP survey found that workers under age 55 take an average of 35 weeks to get hired, while those over age...


Four Tips for Stealthy Job-Searching on LinkedIn

I’ve worked for my company for 11 years, and I’m ready for something new. I recently set up a LinkedIn profile and am connected to my boss and others...


Have Diploma, Will Travel, Must Network

Dear Jen, Since graduating from UT in December, I’ve been struggling with the job search. I’ve applied for about 75 jobs, but haven’t landed a single...


The 10 Biggest Job-Search Mistakes

Recognizing and avoiding these common job-hunting pitfalls could mean the difference between a rejection and an offer, says Texas Exes Career Services Director...


Networking for the Win

These young alumni didn’t blindly toss résumés into a void—they made person-to-person contacts, and it paid off. As Kieran DiEmidio, who worked with...
