Archive for: Forty Acres


UT Hires Vince Young as Development Officer

When reports surfaced as early as April that Vince Young would take a job with UT when his NFL career ended, the obvious choice seemed like he would join the Longhorns...


Behold: Longhorn Erects Lego UT Tower

In the grand tradition of UT Towers made of cake and ice, we now have a mini Tower that was built to last. Late one night in February, Drew Finkel, BA ’08, was...


They Live: The Saga of the Maroon Bluebonnet Continues

Editor’s Note: UT has issued a statement on the bluebonnet chronicles, indicating that the university has no official plans to remove the maroon bluebonnet...



My Life in the Stacks

One insatiable writer plumbs the depths of UT’s library system. I like to say that the universe gave me the two gifts essential to becoming a writer: a bad childhood...


Under One Roof

Ever since Old Main was torn down in 1935, UT’s College of Liberal Arts has been scattered across the Forty Acres. Nearly 80 years later, its students and faculty...


Daily Texan Newsstands May Soon Be Welcome at Belo Center

Weeks after its debut on the Forty Acres, the Belo Center for New Media is already making headlines. And it’s not just because the Belo Center is a snazzy...
