Archive for: division of housing and food service



Great Ideas on Energy: Wasting Less Food, Making Energy Exciting

A century ago, The University of Texas was built on energy. Some sources may have changed, but as these brilliant innovations prove, UT is still charging ahead.   3....


Photo Contest Searches for ‘Longhorn Swagger’

Swagger is more than just a walk—it’s confidence, style, and how you present yourself to the world. To reward students who showcase the most UT pride, the...


UT Named One of 25 Healthiest Colleges in Nation

The enactment of a campus-wide tobacco ban Monday has many praising the University for creating a healthier environment for students. But according to health blog...


With Sustainability, Small Choices Can Have Big Impact

Sustainability starts with small choices: the decision to recycle a plastic bottle instead of chucking it in the nearest trash can. Or the commitment to wake up...
