Archive for: chancellor


A Wise Man Once Said

In a new book, Chancellor McRaven expands on life lessons from his famous commencement speech. The first piece of advice Admiral William H. McRaven, BJ ’77, Life...


On His First Day as Chancellor, McRaven Takes to Twitter

  In his 37-year military career, Admiral William McRaven went on top-secret missions as a Navy SEAL, rose to the rank of four-star admiral, commanded the...


TXEXplainer: What Does the UT System Chancellor Do?

By now you’re aware that Admiral William McRaven, BJ ’77, Life Member, Distinguished Alumnus, the orator of possibly the best commencement speech of all time,...


The Ultimate Résumé: McRaven Q&A Is a Candid Look At UT’s Next Chancellor

What does it look like when one of the nation’s top military leaders applies for a high-level civilian job? Pretty darn impressive, as it turns out. A Q&A...


Adm. William H. McRaven Will Be UT’s Next Chancellor

Adm. William McRaven, BJ ’77, Life Member, Distinguished Alumnus, was named sole finalist for the position of Chancellor of the UT System at a meeting of the...


Report: McRaven a Candidate for UT Chancellor

Paul Burka over at Texas Monthly is reporting (although he doesn’t name his source or sources, and he doesn’t say how good the information is) that...
