Promote & Protect
Fenves Adopts Campus Carry Recommendations
By Alex Vickery
UT-Austin president Greg Fenves announced Wednesday that he has adopted the 25 policy recommendations for implementing Senate Bill 11, or campus carry. In December,...
Judge Throws Out Regent’s Suit Against Chancellor
By Tim Taliaferro
A judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by a University of Texas System regent against his own CEO. The suit by Regent Wallace Hall against Chancellor William McRaven...
Campus Carry Report: Guns in Classrooms, But Not Dorms
By Rose Cahalan
In a report released Thursday, UT-Austin’s Campus Carry Working Group recommended that concealed handguns be allowed in classrooms, but not in dormitories,...
UT Proposes Tuition Increase
By Rose Cahalan
On Monday, UT-Austin president Greg Fenves submitted a proposal to increase tuition by 3.1 percent, or approximately $152 per semester for full-time Texas resident...
Texas Exes Speak Up in D.C. for Longhorns on the Hill
By Rose Cahalan
In 2013, UT-Austin generated $8.8 billion for the Texas economy. That’s a 15-to-1 return on the state’s $575-million investment. Despite brag-worthy...
Daniel Hamermesh to Leave UT Over Campus Carry
By Rose Cahalan
In a letter to UT president Greg Fenves this week, economics professor emeritus Daniel Hamermesh announced he will leave UT-Austin because of his concerns about...
TXEXplainer: Guns on Campus
By Rose Cahalan
On Aug. 1, 2016—the 50th anniversary of the Charles Whitman UT Tower shooting—Senate Bill 11 will go into effect, making it legal for concealed handgun licensees to...
TXEXplainer: The AAU Campus Sexual Assault Survey
By Rose Cahalan
Campus sexual assault has been steadily making headlines for the past two years—and each new scandal, from Columbia to Hobart and Smith to the University of North...
Ranking the Rankings
By Rose Cahalan
Within higher education circles, the annual U.S. News & World Report college rankings are a little bit like junk food: Our appetite for them is insatiable,...
UT Regents Approve System-Wide Admissions Policy
By Rose Cahalan
The UT System Board of Regents voted 8-1 to approve a new admissions policy Thursday morning. The policy, which applies to all UT System academic institutions,...
This Texas Ex Is Singing His Cowboy Songs in Music City
How a Former Marine Built UT’s National Championship Weightlifting Team
Two Award-Winning Professors (and One Hollywood Celebrity) Make Science Cool
The Way Back: Hoop Dreams
Good Reads Q&A: This Children’s Book Brings Social-Emotional Learning to Life in Technicolor