March | April 2020
Fifty Years Later, a Look Back at UT’s Inaugural Earth Day Celebration
By Marisa Charpentier
The year was 1970. Wisconsin Sen. Gaylord Nelson had just proposed the nation’s first Earth Day, encouraging citizens to promote environmental awareness through...
One Longhorn Is Putting an Eco-Friendly Spin on the Texas Cowboy Boot
By Danielle Lopez
Will Roman dresses like an Austin cowboy. Walking into The Driskill bar, he blends right into the downtown Austin hotel’s Western aesthetic with his black cowboy...
The Way Back: Counter-Culture on the Drag
By Ben Wright
Before World War II, The Drag was a drag. But between 1945 and 1946, the student population grew from 7,000 to 17,000, providing a much-needed boon to the street’s...
Watching UT Professor John Goodenough Receive the Nobel Prize in Sweden
By Gregory L. Fenves
Orchestral music filled the packed concert hall. The guests were dressed in tails and gowns. King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden sat in ornate chairs,...