Issues in Education



The Merits of Merit Pay

Does paying teachers based on how well their students perform lead to better teaching? There’s no shortage of polarizing issues when it comes to education, but...



Arts and Smarts

Top-performing schools have higher participation in the arts. More than 2,000 years ago, the Greeks listed music as one of the three essential subjects of their...



Advise and Conquer

Can centralized advising boost four-year graduation rates? Iris Camille Claudio With two fall classes behind it and another on the way, UT’s experiment with centralized...



The Vanishing Latino Male

Using Mentorship to Close the Latino Higher Ed Gap. With a Ph.D. behind his name, Victor Saenz knows he is among the 0.1 percent of this country’s Latino male...



Reading Boot Camp

For students who are years behind on their reading level, catching them up takes individualized instruction—and hours and hours of practice. For some kids, learning...




Only about half of high school principals in Texas stay in one job for three years, and the schools most in need of steady, long-term leadership are the least likely...



Play Hard, Work Hard

Cutting physical education in order to boost test scores has the opposite effect, studies show. There’s a certain amount of irony here. For several years now,...



Do Unto Yourself

Self-compassion might be the next big classroom catchphrase. Illustration by Dave Cutler If the phrase “self-compassion” sounds a little indulgent, well, there...



Fish Labs

Freshman Research Initiative gets students innovating early. As a species, Homo sapiens is nothing if not innovative. We’ve harnessed fire, forged steel, cured...



Testing the Tests

How a test is designed affects the score it produces and whether that number is a faithful measure of a student’s actual knowledge. A test aims to evaluate a student’s...
