The Big Idea


The Big Idea: “Recycle” Nuclear Waste Into Fuel

By 2055, the U.S. will have more than 153,000 tons of radioactive waste on its hands. Nuclear energy is powerful, but how to safely store its waste? Three UT scientists...


The Big Idea: Research Pays Off in Unexpected Ways

Should research turn a profit? That’s what a few would-be higher-ed reformers argue. But academics say research is a long-term investment. Take the recent likely...


The Big Idea: A Medical School in Austin

UT System Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa has named a high-tech, research-intensive medical campus in Austin a priority, and state Sen. Kirk Watson has a plan to make...


The Big Idea: Academic Assembly

Self-styled reformers advocate a corporate approach to higher education that de-emphasizes research in the name of churning out more degrees faster and on the cheap.
