Princeton Review Ranks UT's Student Health Services 10th in the Nation

BY Rose Cahalan in Blog on August 5, 2014

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UT's University Health Services is the 10th-best university health care provider in the nation, at least in the eyes of the Princeton Review.

The popular test-prep company released its annual "Best 379 Colleges" guidebook this week, including 62 ranked categories ranging from the serious ("Great Financial Aid," "Best Quality of Life") to the tongue-in-cheek ("Reefer Madness," "Is it Food?"). The top-20 lists are based entirely on student surveys, so they're more about sharing students' opinions than providing a rigorous national analysis.

Coming in at no. 10 on the "Best Health Services" list, UT was slotted after Whitman College and before Mills College.

At University Health Services' 40,000-square-foot facility in the Student Services Building, UT students can get checkups, vaccinations, and X-rays; see a physical therapist; and put together a personalized plan with a nutritionist, among other services. There's also a 24/7 advice hotline students can call to speak with a nurse.

UT wasn't included on any of the 61 other Princeton Review lists this year, and administrators surely breathed a collective sigh of relief not to see us on the "Best Party Schools" list, which the university has graced in years past.

Photo by Andrew Mendoza
