Daily Beast Ranking Says UT is 9th-Happiest College

BY Julia Bunch in Blog on October 29, 2013


Walking the Forty Acres on a beautiful fall day like today will have any Longhorn thinking that UT is one of the happiest places on earth. Thanks to The Daily Beast, we now have confirmation: UT is, in fact, the ninth-happiest college in the nation.

The Daily Beast used data from U.S. News & World Report and College Prowler to select and rank the top 100 happiest colleges. One-quarter of the score was determined by UT’s retention rate of 92 percent (although UT’s latest enrollment report reveals the rate to be 93.6 percent). The remainder of the score was based on freshman retention rates, overall student experience, student satisfaction, and the quality of the student health center.

According to College Prowler, 9.7 out of 10 UT students said they would enroll all over again. Our overall student experience score was 9.7 out of 10, and all the amenities at University Health Services propelled our student health center score to 9.5 out of 10.

The only thing we’re not so happy about is that A&M took the first-place spot in the rankings. But any way you slice it, Longhorns are happy to be hooking ’em all over campus.

To see the full rankings, click here.

Photo courtesy Phil Roeder via Flickr Creative Commons.
