Haunted by Concussions, Safety Nolan Brewster Leaves Team

BY Rose Cahalan in Blog Special Sports on September 26, 2011


For years, football players who suffer concussions on the field have been urged to just shake it off. But recently, researchers have realized that concussions can pose serious long-term health risks to players.

Longhorn junior safety Nolan Brewster, who has been plagued by migraines and concussions, announced Monday that he is leaving the team. Brewster said the final straw came during the recent UCLA game, when he was diagnosed with a severe concussion.

“It’s something that has been going on since high school and on to here, but it just continued to get worse and got to a point where it was affecting my ability to play,” Brewster said in a press release.

The son of former Texas tight ends coach Tim Brewster (now head coach at Minnesota), Brewster had been around Longhorn football since he was a kid.

Head coach Mack Brown said that while is disappointed for the family, he knows Brewster needs to take care of his body and mind and fully supports him.

Read more about Brewster's football career here.

Photo courtesy UT Athletics
